The Common Market:
Facilitating Inclusive Community Solutions


The North Limestone Corridor in Lexington, KY has experienced several community changes. As such, it was vital that there be broad community participation and transparency when instituting community initiatives. In an effort to provide community members with background and context regarding the grant initiative "Northside Common Market" secured by the North Limestone Community Development Corporation (CDC) from the Knight Foundation, members of the lab facilitated discussions and completed a summary regarding the following:

•      Explain the purpose and mission of the North Limestone CDC

•      Review the purpose and mission of the Knight Foundation

•      Clarify the purpose of the Knight Cities Challenge Grant recently obtained by the North Limestone CDC

•      Provide an overview of the North Limestone CDC’s project funded by the Knight Cities Challenge Grant titled: Northside Common Market and list its’ objectives

•      Describe the process implemented by faculty from the Community Innovation Lab at the University of Kentucky to gain community member input

•      Present results from collective community voices

•      Pose questions to the community for discussion and potential next steps


Lab members utilized several culturally relevant and sensitive methods to facilitate several community meetings pertaining to the Northside Common Market Project. This included multi-lingual communications, providing childcare, food etc. As a result, the numerous community members from diverse cultures came together to provide insight toward the Northside Common Market Project. 


Below is the final community report and presentations for the Northside Common Market Project.